by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Rating: ***
I feel very unfair giving this three stars as, personally, Fitzgerald, is one of my top ten if not top five favourite authors and this is basically an unfinished draft. I just found it clunky, I could not really relate to the main character; Monroe Stahr, I found I could not even visualise him. The beginning did not flow and the authorial voice of Cecilia was too masculine and jolly-cynical. She just did not have much identity at all to me and what there was, I found irritating.
But it is an unfinished draft!! So, none of the polish, silky smooth writing and that beautiful imagery you normally find but I suppose it is interesting because it's a work in progress, it's nuts and bolts. My other issue is that I don't know if there is actually much of a story here. Given the recent shenanigans in Hollywood over the last few years, it seemed a bit tame and slightly boring. But, as I said at the beginning of this review, I feel unfair. So I shall leave it there.
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